Peter Chadwick wrote:
> (a bunch of technical stuff in reply to Tom snipped)
> Slightly off topic, I never understood where the 572B came from for linear
> service. It seemed to appear in the 1950's: I sort of assume as a bigger
> modulator tube, being a pair of 811A, but that seems a bit late in the day
> for a purely audio tube. If designed as an RF tube, it surely would have been
> given a better structure?
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
> _______________________________________________
As I recall, it was an attempt to fill a gap between the bigger and more
expensive Eimac offerings and the 811A offered by everyone. Also, if I
remember correctly, it was specifically created as an amateur service
tube as was the 3-1000Z. Interestingly enough, the 572B is still with
us, but the 3-1000Z, with its much more elegant structure, is long
gone. Sometimes the engineers get it right, but the bean counters get
it righter. :-)
Ken K4XL
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