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Re: [Amps] WD-40, snaked, vermin and puddytats

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] WD-40, snaked, vermin and puddytats
From: Charlie Young <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 09:49:09 -0600
List-post: <">>


I was raised to think the only good snake was a dead one. Many years ago, I got 
over the notion and don't bother them now unless one is poison and invades the 
area where my toy poodle plays outside.  
Cats, besides being walking rodent traps, seem to deter snakes from coming 
around too close. They also kill baby snakes.  I have four "trained killer" 
cats that are constantly bringing in game they have caught.  Once, Nolox 
brought a live ground squirrel into my shack. I was able to rescue it that 
time, but it likely was lunch another day. Incidentally, Nolox got his name 
because he would not stay out of the stuff during antenna construction.  Nolox 
also likes to poke his head inside amplifiers and troubleshoot (with the HV off 
of course). 
Speaking of high voltage, I once had a snake shut down a large industrial plant 
and force evacuation of an underground salt mine in Louisiana.  The snake (I 
don't recall what kind) got into the electrical switchgear inside the surface 
electrical switchhouse and crawled across the 4160/2400 volt conductors.  He 
passed enough current long enough to activate the protective relays and trip 
the  main circuit breaker feeding the mine surace and underground. 
There was not much left of him to ID.  You could tell it used to be a big 
snake.  They have some big ones down in the swamps. 
73 Charlie N8RR 


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