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Re: [Amps] gg feed through power

Subject: Re: [Amps] gg feed through power
From: Roger <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:32:10 -0400
List-post: <">> wrote:
> After more reading in the Orr book, I discovered a discussion of feed  
> through power in a cathode driven amplifier.
> We have all heard about the drive power adding to the output power. Orr  
> says, and I am paraphrasing here, that a PORTION of the drive power is added 
> to  the output power. He goes on to say that the greater the ratio of drive 
> power to  the feed through power, the better the imd performance. He further 
> suggested  that the optimum feed through power for best imd performance is 
> about 10%.

Isn't that previous statement contradictive?  IOW the first statement is 
the *more* the better, while the second says 10% is best.


Roger (K8RI)
> Heck, 10% of a 100w drive level is insignificant and might as well be  
> ignored.
> He did not describe how one goes about attaining the 10% feed through level 
>  and I suspect there is no control of this. Perhaps you get what you get 
> with a  given tube?
> He also wrote about the improved imd performance due to the heavy negative  
> feed back inherent in cathode driven amplifiers compared to grid driven; 
> often  in the 10 to 15 dB range of improvement.
> We have always heard this to be so; at least that old saying is  correct.
> 73,
> Gerald K5GW
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