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Re: [Amps] LCR meter

Subject: Re: [Amps] LCR meter
From: James Irving <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:40:53 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
When measuring inductance or capacitance with the MFJ-259b readings vary, 
depending on the frequency.  I usually run a part through a 10mhz sweep.  There 
will be an area in the "middle" where the calculated value changes much slower 
than at the extremes, and the measured values will correlate nicely with the 
AADE LC meter.  This happens between 6 to 9 mhz; I've "standardized" on 7mhz 
for measurement.  Correlation to parts previously measured on the AADE meter is 
within 2 or 3 percent, and often closer.

The measuring of L and C values for the 259b is stated as a reactance range, 
that being between 7 and 650 ohms.  So, working backwards from 7mhz, its 
measurement range is 

Inductors = 0.15uh to 15uh   and  Capacitors = 35pf to 3200pf

I've taken some license in those end points to make it easier to remember, but 
they're close, reactance wise.  Also, its easy to see we shouldn't be throwing 
away our AADE, BK, or HP LC meters because the MFJ range is very restricted.

The mfj has a 259 connector output, so you need an adapter to measure parts 
values.  I've found the type used can be critical to the ability to repeat 
value determination.  Leads longer than 1 to 2 inches need not apply, and that 
includes coax with alligator clips on the end.  The best I've found is to to 
use a banana plug, without its insulator, in the 259 center connector with a 
nut screwed over the post, and another nut screwed over the nearby ground 
connector.  Parts connected directly between them.

I'm going to copy this post over to the 259b's yahoo forum.

73 - Jim - K9JFK

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:23:51 -0500
From: "Jeff Blaine AC0C" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] LCR meter.


My question is to the fundamental accuracy of the MFJ vs. the effects on 
calibration variation.  Is the MFJ really this inaccurate, or is the 
accuracy in your case atypical.  It would be interesting if someone else 
could do a controlled test with the MFJ vs. a lab type unit (well, a unit of 
known capability).
I only have the AADE meter here in are the Fo there is variable; as well as 
the MFJ.


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