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Re: [Amps] construct ferrite "line isolator"

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] construct ferrite "line isolator"
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 07:14:26 -0700
List-post: <">>

On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 08:32:52 -0400, "Carl" <> wrote:

>Your missing the point as usual Bill in your ongoing attempts to provoke 


Once again, Carl makes a personal attack instead of defending or
explaining his statements. It's an old story but I'm not going to let
him get away with it this time. 

My only "ongoing attempt" on this reflector is to clear out the crap
which Carl has posted far in excess of every one else put together. 

He makes statements which are either patently false such as the one that
"parasitic suppressor coils MUST be self resonant at the VHF frequency"
and he refuses to back them up, or else he makes misleading statements
such as the current one that "A 6 mix iron powder is good for 6-10M, I
use it as the L in the input pi network for amps. If it works for you
for HF RFI than thats (sic) good, Id guess it wasnt (sic) too severe and
just a little bit of impedance did the job." which implies they are good
in the low VHF region but have low impedance at HF, exactly  contrary to
the manufacturer's data sheet. And he gives no information or examples
why the manufacturer is wrong, only that he used mix $6 outside of the
recommended range and it was satisfactory in his application. Palomar
notes in their data sheet that toroids do indeed function outside their
recommended optimum range with less effectiveness so that is nothing

Anyone reading your garbage would conclude #6 mix is best at low VHF and
relatively useless at HF, just the opposite of the truth as stated by
both Micrometals and Palomar. 

You need a lot of watching over on this reflector, Carl. It's a dirty
job but someone has to do it. I wish you were more careful in your
statements so nobody would have to. I do not believe you are being
malicious, just careless.

This reflector is only useful when the information on it is accurate.
Electronics is difficult enough when the information is correct. Toss in
bad info like "carbon resistors when overheated always change upward in
value" (paraphrased but accurate) and confusion mounts exponentially. 

If anyone wants a list of Carl's false or misleading statements, drop me
an email at I've been keeping them for the last
few months and the list continues to grow. 

Without doubt, Carl is going to complain to the moderator of this
reflector that I should be kicked off, as he has done before without
result. Everything I have said is true and documented so we shall see. 

73, Bill W6WRT
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