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Re: [Amps] MFJ products

Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
From: Rich <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 11:12:48 -0500
List-post: <">>
Over the years, i have owned many MFJ products including many Ameritron amps. I became close friends with several folks working there.because of all the calls back and forth to fix things. The real problem there is that they hire a lot of assemblers from the nearby collage. Young kids which is not a problem ,,but they do not give them any training at all.
and thus the poor workmanship.
This could be cured if the checked the stuff out after assembly,but they don't.
Which is why so many have dead out of the box problems.

On 9/10/2012 9:15 PM, Glen Zook wrote:
The main problem with mfj is their quality assurance.  Way too many products come with 
missing hardware, extra hardware (probably from the last unit down the line which is 
missing hardware), poor soldering, no solder on some joints, and so on.  After these 
deficiencies in the unit are taken care of, the mfj equipment usually works very well, 
especially for the cost of the item.  If one purchases an mfj item with the understanding 
that it is a "semi-kit" (some final assembly required), then the purchaser 
should be happy.

Unfortunately, way too many newcomers to amateur radio purchase mfj items who 
do not have the experience to troubleshoot and repair the unit.  As such, those 
persons are usually unhappy or become disillusioned with amateur radio.

Over the years, I have owned several mfj items.  All but 2 of those came to me not 
working because of the aforementioned reasons and the owner didn't want to bother with 
fixing it himself / herself and didn't want to have to pay someone to repair the item.  I 
have bought exactly 2 mfj units new.  One of those was one of their relatively 
inexpensive keyers (it had some bad soldering and a couple of missing hardware items) and 
the other was a 24-hour clock.  Now the clock has worked fine from the start.  However, 
the clock was built "off shore" and just the mfj logo was put on it.
Glen, K9STH

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