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Re: [Amps] Amp Supply LK-500ZBx 3-500z tube & cooling question

To: "KB8NTY" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amp Supply LK-500ZBx 3-500z tube & cooling question
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 16:01:25 -0400
List-post: <">>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amp Supply LK-500ZBx 3-500z tube & cooling question

KA4INM - Ron,

Yep got my interest going as well!
I really don't see or have experienced anything different.
Amp was factory set-up with 10m, only thing I can see.
The fan looks like a fan, going to take a closer look at it's mfgr when I go back in to do p/s upgrade.
** There was export to local countries using 120/240 60Hz and export 
elsewhere using 200, 220 or whatever was in use at 50Hz.
The former used the same transformer as the US and 10M the only difference.

Then there were the "commercial" and "export" versions of a couple of LK-800 variants; one being 3CPX800A7's and a 3200V PS key down with special filter caps and diodes.
Some of the ones Ive worked on would bury a 5KW Bird slug with 150W drive... 
A few are now on 6M EME (-;
I just cant find anything regarding such exports on line but have seen 
some other Amp Supply models on you tube as exports LK-800 etc, those 
offered additional frequency's on the bandswitch, mine only has the AUX in 
addition to 160-15m.
** Dont expect to see much documentation on most any Amp Supply amp.
My late 1986 LK-500ZC has 8 switch positions labeled, 160-10M, AUX 1, AUX 2. I "ordered" it that way as partial payment for consulting work. It also came with the external PAC-5 transformer/cabinet and all the other options. It takes about 10 minutes to enable extra positions, remove the detent stop screw.

However as Carl posted just a piece of paper required!
Interesting though my FCC ID # does not show-up on FCC site?
** And your point is (-;   Remember there was no real Internet when that amp 
was built.....and the paperwork got lost excuse always worked with enough $$ 
These days the FCC is incompetent and corrupt, in the past it was just 

-73- Ross KB8NTY


On 07/08/2014 03:26 PM, Carl wrote:

My early Amp Supply LK-500ZB model has the letter X at the end, reading
LK-500ZBx, The x is also included at the end of the three digit serial
number 500x.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the "X" suffix in my model number
may regard.
  OK, I'll bite, what does that mean?  Does it mean it has a 50/60 Hz 240 
Volt transformer/s (+ fan/blower) instead of a 60 Hz. 120/240 
transformer/s or something else?
  Ron  KA4INM - Youvan's corollary:
                Every action results in unwanted side effects.
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