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Re: [Amps] Grid dip meters 2 models, opinions?

Subject: Re: [Amps] Grid dip meters 2 models, opinions?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 15:42:04 -0700
List-post: <>
On 9/4/2017 1:55 PM, Steve Wright wrote:
On 05/09/17 08:51, Conrad PA5Y wrote:
Hello all I have found 2 second hand grid dip meters.
Perhaps you have a good reason for using a dip meter (I have one), but
the inexpensive and new technology VNAs run circles around a dip meter
for functionality.

I strongly agree, and DG8SAQ's VNWA 3e, sold assembled and fully tested by SDR Kits in the UK, is a real bargain. I've had mine for about 4 years, and love it!   It is well supported both by SDR Kits and DG8SAQ, both of whom monitor their Yahoo Group.

I paid about $700 back then delivered to my door with calibration it, but thanks to Brexit, it would be under $600.   I bought the "presentation case," but don't recommend it.  Add 20% VAT where applicable (not USA).

73, Jim K9YC

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