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Keeping the frequency clear

Subject: Keeping the frequency clear
From: palooka@pyrotechnics.com (Joe Pontek, K8JP) (Joe Pontek, K8JP)
>On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Garry Shapiro wrote:
>> Is it ethical? I think that, if it is used to protect oneself--i.e. as 
>> a defensive weapon--it is probably OK. It seems a helluva lot more 
>> ethical than deliberate splatter or key clicks from overdriving, or 
>> deliberate QRM, as has been observed on more than one occasion. Not to 
>> mention just out-and-out bullying of smaller stations by bigger ones.
>Think of it as brake lights!  Even a 100-watter like me can keep certain
>Texans off of my JA-running frequency by beaming some of my meager
>power SE.  If I split my power in half, I only lose 1/2 S-unit on my main
>73, Ward N0AX

What I don't approve of is the treatment I received by a European station 
during the ARRL DX CW contest. I was cruising up and down 40 during the end 
of the contest, looking for multipliers and a small hole. I found one, but I 
was using a 250 Hz filter. I called CQ. No response. I worked 28 stations in 
24 minutes, but something caught my ear and I stopped a CQ mid stream to 
hear some one keying on me. Not a CQ, but a CW cursing. I associated this 
with an earlier "QSY" with no call sign, no idea if they wanted me to go up 
or down. It stopped, I called CQ again, no response, another CQ and a mid CQ 
stop  to find this station QRMing me zero beat. It appears that YT1AD was 
being bothered by me and his idea of clearing a frequency is to dump QRM 
right on you. I may have been close, but not on him. I did not intentionally 
QRM him, like he did me. Then he directed a tirad of comments to me, once I 
addressed his intentional QRM. This, I find, an unacceptable operating 
practice. Intentional, directed QRMing of another contest station is not in 
the spirit of the strongest station wins. If I had set ON his frequency, I 
would have heard him. I didn't and I would not have been able to work 28 
stations in 24 minutes. The contest was great! It was quit an experience and 
this was the only truly sour experience.

73, K8Joe"Palooka", K8JP/VA2, VP5/K8JP, VP5JP
73, K8Joe"Palooka"

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