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[CQ-Contest] Apr wpx and busted q

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Apr wpx and busted q
From: K3BU@aol.com (K3BU@aol.com)
Date: Wed May 5 11:51:09 1999
In a message dated 5/5/99 9:56:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kl7ra@icefog.gcgo.nasa.gov writes:

<<  I would like to see the WPX CW moved back a month  >>

- the last improvement WPX CW needs to become "perfect".
It would boost expeditions and participation from outdoorspersons.


Tera - Ditto
- the left over from the days of leaving dupes in the log in hope of not 
getting spotted. This should apply only to dupes left in the log, not for 
errors in calls.

PSE, PSE, PSE Steve !?!

K3BU, to be VA1A on 160 (empty band?) in WPX CW

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