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[CQ-Contest] MP clicks

Subject: [CQ-Contest] MP clicks
From: W8JI@contesting.com (Tom Rauch)
Date: Wed May 30 21:36:38 2001
> My references come from the professional literature and work on DSP
> windowing. 7 ms is OK for very slow Morse code, 2 ms just about right for
> 20 ms contest dots.

CCIR standards and the FCC, which the CW keying section in the 
Handbook is based on, say:

2ms rise and a fall is good for 100 WPM or so in a K5 (fading) 
circuit and 150 wpm in non-fading circuits.

5 ms is good for 35 WPM fading and 60 wpm for non-fading 

7ms is good for 25 wpm fading and 45 wpm non-fading.

There was no detectable difference in copy of my signal when I 
switch from ~7ms to ~2 ms when my signal was at noise floor in 
VK on 160 meters, while I was sending about 25 WPM with 55% 
keyer weight.

I've never heard anyone use 100 wpm on noise-floor signals, or 150 
wpm with strong signals, although I have to admit I can't copy that 
fast so I might have missed some QSO's at that speed.
73, Tom W8JI

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