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[CQ-Contest] Field Day thought ...

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Field Day thought ...
From: miltj@dvec.org (Milt Jensen)
Date: Mon Jun 25 13:37:31 2001
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Stai WK6I <jstai@home.com>
To: Ron Wetjen <wd4ahz@gte.net>; CQ Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Cc: Florida Contest Group <fcg@qth.net>; <contests@arrl.org>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Field Day thought ...

> At 07:32 AM 6/25/01, Ron Wetjen wrote:
> >Can anyone confirm, that this weekend's Field Day was the end of the
> >"free" Novice/Tech station?  I thought I read that somewhere, but can't
> >remember where.


> It also points out a great thing about FD: it allows folks to experience
> contesting without having the pressure of being in a "real" contest. I
> think this is very worthwhile and agree with this proposal. >


> >A possible solution would be
> >a "free" station that is operated by "newbies" to contesting, and those
> >who are not quite quite ready to take on the veterans.


> >This new "free" station would primarily be used for seasoned contest
> >veterans to take "newbies" under their wing, sit down with them, and
> >teach them how to operate.


This is what we have done at our club for the last two years anticipating
the loss of the N/T+ licensses to upgrade and the eventual demise of the
"N/T class" of station for FD.

It has worked very well, and we could see the very positive results for the
main stations at this year's running.

I hope someone at ARRL does take note of these and other comments and
develops a "training class" station.  I believe it does not have to be
limited to "new"  or first year licensees.  Perhaps the criteria for
determining who is a "newbie" could be related to (1) years of licensed
operation, and (2) years of FD operating experience.  If the total years for
an operator does not exceed four (4) or five (5), then that person could
operate the "training class" station.

Just some thoughts.

A super FD outing was had at our location in the Pinaleno Mountains of
southeastern AZ.

Milt, N5IA
FD coordinator for K7EAR, 2A solar powered QRP.

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