You know, Ali has built a world class station at A61AJ. He's invited some of
the best ops in the world to that station to maximize the effectiveness of
the hardware. He's earned a place on the "world stage" in our "game".
Why shouldn't he be part of the showcase that is the WRTC?
Who would you rather see in the Olympics? Athletes who are at the peak of
their game because they have the drive, determination and perserverence to
be the best in the world....or fat guys who eat three donuts for breakfast
every morning? (Not that I have anything against donuts, mind you...I have
yet to meet one I didn't like!)
Just a thought from K9GX who hopes to visit Helsinki this summer to watch
the WRTC performances and maybe, if I'm very lucky, find a chair at some
friendly OH shack during IARU.