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Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Question

To: Silvio M. Martín <lw9eoc@speedy.com.ar>, jesusec1kr@terra.es
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Question
From: Maarten van Rossum <pd2r.maarten@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 11:58:08 +0100
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

I think the rules are very clear about this. There are 4 multi-operator
- Multi-op, Single transmitter High Power: Only one transmitter allowed so
you can not use a second radio to work Multipliers like in some of the other
contests. The rules don't specify the amount of band changes so you can
change bands as much and as often you like.
- Multi-op, Single transmitter Low Power: Same as above but the power is
limited to 150 Watt.
- Multi-op, Two transmitters: Two radio's are alowed. Both radios can Run on
a frequency or S&P for Multipliers. Again, the rules don't specify the
amount of band changes so you can change bands as much and as often you
- Multi-op, Multi transmitter: You can use as much transceivers as you like.

Furthermore the ARRL DX contest rules also refer to the General Rules for
All ARRL Contests (http://www.arrl.org/general-rules-for-all-arrl-contests)
but these rules also don't specify anything about band changes.

If you want to use two transceivers, you should enter the Multi-op, Two
transmitter category.

This is the way I interpreter the rules and I think the rules don't leave
much room to interpreter them any other way.
Of course you can alway contact the ARRL at contests@arrl.org and ask them
your questions. This way you know for sure.

Best 73, Maarten

2011/2/16 Silvio M. Martín <lw9eoc@speedy.com.ar>

> Jesus,
> I'm making me the same questions, the rules say nothing about 10 minutes,
> or 6 band changes per hour. In most, its says nothing of a multi station.
> 73,
> Tim LW9EOC
>   ----- Original Message -----
>  From: jesusec1kr@terra.es
>  To: CQ-Contest@Contesting.com
>  Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 6:42 AM
>  Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Question
>  Hello.
>  I want to make the ARRL DX Contest in category M/S, but according to the
> rules that come in we do not quite understand the mechanism of an M/S.
>  - I can have a station in Runing and other in Multi who in WPX or CQWW
> Constet?
>  - Does the multi station can work any QSO or just multis?
>  - the gearbox is governed by changes in band or time?
>  - Or maybe a M/S is a simple Runing with cluster assistance.
>  For example in the Win-Test program in M/S I see 6 band changes.
>  Greetings and Tnx.
>  Jesus - EC1KR
>  www.ed1r.com
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