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RE: [Karlnet] help - strange problem w/ v4.02 & 100mw cards

To: "'karlnet@WISPNotes.com'" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: RE: [Karlnet] help - strange problem w/ v4.02 & 100mw cards
From: Dan Metcalf <danm@suncorstainless.com>
Reply-to: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 18:24:08 -0400
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
I just setup a cpe running Karlnet v4.02 and a 100mw card, the user is able
to access the internet and the speeds are great.

However, there are two issue's, I can't ping/manage the unit from my home
office and when I do signal stats it shows -94 signal on the cpe side, ( -60
at the ap).

Anybody have any ideas? Our network is bridged ( for now ) and all the
cpe's/ap's are on a 192.168.x.x subnet while the pc's and routers are on
public ip's

Dan Metcalf
Wireless Broadband Systems

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