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Re: [RFI] RFI @ VHF Line Filters

To: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri@rogerhalstead.com>, "rfi@contesting.com List" <RFI@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI @ VHF Line Filters
From: N1BUG <paul@n1bug.com>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2015 08:11:58 -0400
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>

Thanks for your comments. I got behind - Spring crunch season!

What make and model PS?
I don't know. It is at the repeater site and I have not been able to 
get up there to check on it yet. This is a "new" computer which was 
custom assembled from components as a donation to a cause. Given the 
source, it was probably an expensive supply - not that cost 
correlates to RFI radiating potential.
I view changing models, makes, and sizes with a bit of worry so if
planning a change I purchase one and give it a thorough workout.  In all
these years, I've only had two fail and no ingress or egress from any.
It's been a long time so I do not remember the make and model of either
PS that failed. They just quit working.  All have had internal line
filters from the factory.
I have had a number of computer power supplies fail, and several 
that were very offensive RFI generators. Typically I have replaced 
the RFI offenders and had reasonably good luck in so doing.
My two computers here at the house are quiet. One by its nature, the 
other after adding a line filter. It was only problematic at HF 
where commonly available inexpensive line filters are most effective.
Following other advice in this thread, I have ordered a Corcom 6EF1 
filter which should be arriving today or tomorrow. I will try it in 
the offending power supply at the repeater site along with the 
existing snap-on ferrites on the power cored and hope for the best. 
If this doesn't do it I will have no choice but to try a different 
power supply. I'm hoping it won't come to that but I must eliminate 
RFI at that site!

Paul Kelley, N1BUG
RFI Committee chair,
Piscataquis Amateur Radio Club
RFI mailing list

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