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Re: [RFI] RFI-free Vehicle 5v USB Adapter?

To: Gary Johnson <gwj@wb9jps.com>, rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI-free Vehicle 5v USB Adapter?
From: "qrv@kd4e.com" <qrv@kd4e.com>
Reply-to: qrv@kd4e.com
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 17:46:53 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I'm going to try this, in a metal case, with twisted wire and toroids
on the input and output ...


Actually, KA7OEI is on the right track. Be prepared to be disappointed with regards to RFI from Chinese dc-dc converter modules. Extensive input and output filtering MUST be added if you want to eliminate a significant amount of the conducted emissions garbage. And no, there is no “progress” in the world of these modules. I have detailed reviews of two such modules on my RFI page, with modification and filtering recommendations. http://wb9jps.com/Gary_Johnson/RFI.html One uses an LM2596, the other a MP1584EN. The latter is astoundingly bad for several reasons...
-Gary NA6O

I haven't tried it, but KA7OEI has a page about suppressing RFI in these


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