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Re: [RFI] Anyone Tested These LED Light Bars for RFI?

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Anyone Tested These LED Light Bars for RFI?
From: K9MA <k9ma@sdellington.us>
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 21:20:25 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
One problem is that even if a particular model is quiet, the next batch of that model might not be.
I put a bunch of different LED fixtures in my house recently. Before I 
installed them, I powered up each one close to where it was going to go 
and listened for noise. All turned out to be quiet, at least at a noisy 
urban QTH. I recommend such a test, before you throw away the receipt. I 
did have to replace some of my neighbors' LED power supplies.
Scott K9MA

On 10/11/2020 7:41 PM, D C _Mac_ Macdonald wrote:
Let us all know if they are RF quiet!

73 - Mac, K2GKK/5
Since 30 Nov 1953
Oklahoma City, OK
USAF (Retired) 61-81
FAA (Retired) 94-10

From: RFI <rfi-bounces+k2gkk=hotmail.com@contesting.com> on behalf of qrv@kd4e.com 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2020 18:45
To: RFI@contesting.com <RFI@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] Anyone Tested These LED Light Bars for RFI?


I need a few around the radio room and shop and 3', 15w, 1500 lumens
@6000k meets the need well.

I know I should be suspicious of built-in 85~265VAC 50/60Hz power
supply, but maybe?

Thanks, David KD4E

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Scott  K9MA


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