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[RTTY] About encryption: an example

To: RTTY Mailing List <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] About encryption: an example
From: "aflowers@frontiernet.net" <aflowers@frontiernet.net>
Reply-to: "aflowers@frontiernet.net" <aflowers@frontiernet.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:28:01 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi Friends,

The talk about encryption is an interesting issue and in fact came up last year 
in a petition to the FCC.  You can read that and the comments to get an idea 
about what the motivation is and the issues involved:


It's very helpful to understand who wants this and ostensibly why.  Not 
necessarily all bad, but I would ask the question whether this is a 
bridge-to-far for amateur radio.  The FCC seems to think so and you can see 
their reasoning.  For those of you concerned about winlink and why encryption 
is "necessary" I suggest you look up some of the more prominent names in that 
organization and look at their comments.  Here's a starter:

But I'm not really all that interested in winlink per se, but rather the 
philosophy driving some of the decisions you are now seeing, and that's not why 
I'm writing.

All this email is intended to do is to show you a concrete example of 
encryption being sold to hams *today*, lest anyone think this is simply an 
existential discussion.

SCSmail is a personal email program that is freeware to go with your pactor 
modem.  The product is designed for low-cost personal email service independent 
of any networks. In other words, this is so you can use ham radio for your own 
private email server:

"It is not the intention of SCSmail to replace or to interfere with existing 
professional HF email providers with their highly sophisticated solutions and 
services. Its purpose is just to give private users and small organizations the 
chance to quickly install an own, private email service without additional 
costs and without the need to subscribe to an existing provider and thus being 
dependent from an external service." 


Its about low cost email service with privacy.  Not a bad thing in itself.  I 
like free stuff too....but *why* is ham radio a market for this?  That's a 
serious question.

If you look at the SCSmail manual it clearly explains that there is 
session encryption key unique to each pactor connection.  The download shows 
the OpenSSL license in the bundle so I can assure you that its using 
Public/Private key pairs to exchange a key just like you do when you manage 
your bank account over HTTPS on the internet.  This is not just encrypting 
login information (authentication purposes have special exceptions, at least in 
the US and most other countries and for good reason), but encryption of 
everything including the content of the messages themselves.  The manual makes 
this clear.

Of course, you don't have to use encryption, and to SCS's credit they point out 
that you need to follow the rules of whatever service you have.  Nonetheless 
you have someone specifically marketing a product to the amateur service for 
private email communication that has encryption as a key feature.  Lets not 
pretend there isn't an interest in this as can be seen from the discussion of 
RM-11699....is it being used on amateur radio bands right now?  Better 
questions:  (1) Is it important for you to know and (2) How would you know?

Oh, and encryption is on by default when you run the program.

Its there, its ready, and its already wrapped in an unpublished code by any 
reasonable interpretation.  Like I said, this is for information only and it 
may be helpful in understanding some of the broader issues and drawing your own 

Andy K0SM/2
RTTY mailing list

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