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Re: [RTTY] FT4JA performance

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] FT4JA performance
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists@subich.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 08:38:36 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

By settling for 10% we sell digital DXing short.  I agree that RTTY
will probably never reach 33% as there will be very little time and
resources given to RTTY on the low bands.  However, those chasing a
DXpedition for ATNO or band credit should not care which mode they

A well run DXpedition, with quality RTTY operators, good antennas and
decent propagation should be able to generate peak rates of 2 - 3 QSOs
per minute, similar to what they can do on other modes.  Getting 20
to 25% RTTY QSOs is only a matter or *expectations* - making DXpedition
planners treat RTTY as an integral part of the operation and not as an
afterthought as it is in nearly every case and making those who chase
DXCC Challenge/Toplist realize they may need to use multiple modes.

The real problem is the "Leaderboard" ... DXpeditions spend too much
time and resources on Phone/CW on the "middle" bands (20/17/15) and
not enough resources on balancing opportunities for RTTY (and in some
cases low band QSOs).  The goal of any DXPedition should be to allow
everyone who desires, one QSO per mode and one QSO per band (between
9 and 11 QSOs *maximum*) ... not 20 to 25 "band/mode" slots as we see
in many cases with some of the DX Hogs.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/11/2016 8:04 AM, EA2RY wrote:
Hello to all.

If a survey on the preferred mode (CW, SSB, RTTY) can even select multiple 
options, you never reach that 25%.

10% is a minimum acceptable percentage.

often by own experience, reach those percentages can be tricky, especially if 
it is a ATNO for most amateur radio community.

As a radio amateur who has a preference for the RTTY I wish that these 
percentages are higher, but I understand there most preferably CW and SSB.

(Sorry for my Google translación english) ;-)

      73's de Roberto

El 11 abr 2016, a las 13:46, Joe Subich, W4TV <lists@subich.com> escribió:

10010 RTTY QSOs that is10% of the 100K  Juan de Nova contacts.

That's still a long way short of 20 to 25% of contacts that would
represent a "fair" allocation of resources.


  ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/11/2016 4:48 AM, Jacques Frilley wrote:
Any RTTY fan operator should vote for FT4JA as the DXpedition of the Year : 
10010 RTTY QSOs that is10% of the 100K  Juan de Nova contacts.
73 to all

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