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Re: [RTTY] Amp/Temp

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Amp/Temp
From: Mark Mumaw <nu6x@esedona.net>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2017 08:43:26 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
My Acom 2000A will regularly get up to 70C (158F). With your rear intake fan,the added exhaust fans and assuming you have good ventilation, especially on the intake, I wouldn't  be too concerned.
I have been doing some thermal testing on a legal limit solid state 
LDMOS linear and I see temperatures around 60-65C on long transmissions. 
Of course this is a very different animal.
I like the temperature controller below for turning fans on/off 
depending on temperature. I used it on my homebrew 3.2KW dummy load to 
automatically run the fans above 45C.

Mark NU6X  Sedona, AZ

On 10/7/2017 7:58 AM, Courtney Judd wrote:
I am looking for any ideas or your thoughts on what would be the safe or maximum operating temperature of a HF amplifier in rtty operation. My setup here is a FT5000 driving an Alpha 86 to about 1200 watts on rtty.... it will do considerably more on cw/ssb and rtty but I felt that I should limit it on rtty. What started all this is that after about 20 years of just sitting up on the shelf doing it's thing, I decided to take the 86 apart and give it's internals a good cleaning. Sure enough, the dust bunnies had been doing their thing. Gave it a good cleaning but when i went to put it back together i noticed that on the back panel where the air enters the amp there was a pre-made place to install a fan. I put a 115 v fan to push air into the amp which goes past the transformer then into the fan below the tubes and then out the top thru the tube shields. On top over the vent holes I built a Styrofoam box with two fans to help pull the air out. Sorta a push-me-pull setup. I bought a couple of digital thermometers with sensors. I placed the probe in the airstream coming out of the amp over the fans in the Styrofoam box and the other the air coming out of the 5000. This is where it got interesting. On rtty when running the 5000 would get up to about 103 deg F. from a resting temp of 79 deg. The amp would go from 90 deg up to a high of 155 deg which sorta made me nervous. I asked my wife if eggs would fry at 155 and she said probably! SO, do you guys monitor your amp's temperature and what do you all think is save? Sorry to be so long winded but I am curious! thanks and 73's Cort K4WI
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