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[TRLog] Exchange parsing to improve 2 radio efficiency

Subject: [TRLog] Exchange parsing to improve 2 radio efficiency
From: (Scott Robbins)
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 19:16:15 -0500 (EST)
Hi Tree (and all): 

I passed a couple of e-mail messages back and forth with Dave, K6LL,
and while this is fresh wanted to put out something for you to consider
re:  SS operating with two radios. 

Rig #1: Calling CQ on one band.
Rig #2: S&P on a separate band.

I've just come across a station on rig 2 and load him in with Alt-D
for a QSO.  Press F1 for a CQ on rig 1.  Hit the space bar for the
QSO on radio 2, and I automatically get another CQ off on rig 1 as
the S&Ped station on rig 2 is starting to send his exchange to me. 

Now, while this is happening, my CQ on rig 1 has ended and I am going
into a slow sweat as the S&P station is still transmitting to me.
Or, someone has come back to me on rig 1 during the copying of the S&P
exchange on rig 2.  Again, the slow sweat because I can't answer him!

I'd like to be able to do one of two things (or both?):  a) run off 
another CQ somehow on rig 1 while copying the rig 2 exchange
if no one came back to the initial CQ.  If someone did come back to
the first CQ, or does come back to the second CQ, b) how about allowing 
to be able to add the callsign being copied in response to the CQ on 
rig 1 at the same time as the exchange on rig 2, rather than 
automatically CQing again on rig 1 after I have sent the exchange on 
rig 2?

For example:

I am copying 1054 B W5WMU 67 LA on rig 2.  I hear a response "K6LL"
to my CQ on rig 1.  It would be absolutely fabulous if I could type
in 1054 B W5WMU 67 LA /K6LL into the exchange window.  Then, rig 1 
sends "K6LL" on its' band, autoswitches back to rig 2 to transmit my
exchange "555 Q W4PA 82 TN" to W5WMU, rolls back over to rig 1 to 
send "556 Q W4PA 82 TN" to K6LL.  Or, (better!) how about parsing
the exchange between radios?

Rig 1:  "555 Q" (to W5WMU)
Rig 2:  "K6LL 556 Q" (to K6LL)
Rig 1:  "W4PA" (to W5WMU)
Rig 2:  "W4PA" (to K6LL)
Rig 1:  "82 TN" (to W5WMU)
Rig 2:  "82 TN" (to K6LL)

...and now ready to type in K6LL's exchange on the run (#1) radio. 

Two QSO's completed virtually simultaneously, in real time, within
the confines of "one signal at a time".

This assumes the facility to simultaneously copy the S&P exchange in
one ear and a callsign in the other ear...which I can do because I
just spent all of SS doing it and being frustrated that I had to wait 
and wait to transmit to someone waiting on me!!  That's what made me 
start thinking about this in the first place...

If you blow it and miss the callsign coming back to you on the CQ on
rig 1, you're no worse off than you are right now.  Just enter the
S&P exchange on rig 2 and proceed as Tr-Log does normally.  If the
program sees /[callsign] in the exchange window at the same time as
you're typing in an S&P exchange on the inactive radio it would know 
that [callsign] was in response to a CQ on the active radio.

The name of this is efficiency and being able to capitalize on copying
two CW signals simultaneously.  Am I out of my nut or is this feasible?
If anyone's going to be able to pull this off, it's your software I'm
betting on.  

Scott Robbins, W4PA 

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