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[TRLog] Wish to improve SAP mode

Subject: [TRLog] Wish to improve SAP mode
From: (Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV)
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:18:53 GMT

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Am 05.12.00, 21:23:42, schrieb (Holger 
Meihsner) zum Thema [TRLog] Wish to improve SAP mode:

> Hi all,

> in the contest game I'm only a little pistol and so I have to call a
> station in SAP occasionally more times. For the fist call I use the
> ENTER key. I prefer ENTER because a dupe check is done first. But if he
> comes back to another call and if I don't have in mind that I have to
> take F1 for the next call and hit in hurry ENTER again my exchange is
> sent out. I think it's an embarassing situation and to avoid this

this is the basic principle of TR: Wherever you are, ENTER takes you one 
step further in contesting, in this case to sending the exchange. I would 
not like to give that up. Soon you WILL have in mind: If he does not come 
back, your left hand goes to the F1 button until he does come back or 
until you move your hand to the VFO knob because you gave up.

> confusion it should be possible to add a EX CFMD NOW KEY.
> That means in SAP mode ENTER sends my call each time as long as I
> confirm the initial or modified exchange with the EX CFMD NOW KEY

Sounds pretty complicated. And probably we're run out of definable keys.
You could also set SPACE BAR DUPE CHECK ENABLE = FALSE and call him as 
often as you want with the space bar, but there is no dupe check then.

> and only right after this my exchange is sent. If he comes back with his
> confirmation I can log the QSO with ENTER. If anybody doesn't like this
> additional key stroke because he works probably the most stations with
> the first call he can leave this feature to FALSE.
> I see other advantages too:
> 1.It is not necessary to use F1- the finger doesn't hang crampful over
> the keyboard.
> 2.If the QSO isn't successful finally it is not necessary to delete the
> QSO with ALT-Y.
> What do you all think about this? I'm new in TRLog don't have the
> complete view yet.

What might be thought of if something should be changed is:

Having F1 do a dupe check first, so that it behaves like the first ENTER 
(not like SPACE BAR as it is now ? we still have SPACE BAR for that). 
Then Holger could use F1 for the first and all following calls.

Or ? I'd like to have everything automated -

Enter working as it is now when cursor is in call window, i. e. de \ , 
and then moving cursor to exchange field. Enter working as QSO NORMAL 
when cursor is in exchange field and a valid exchange is found. But ENTER 
working like F1 when exchange field does not have a valid exchange or 
when cursor has been moved back to the call sign window (using up arrow) 



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