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[TRLog] Bandmap

Subject: [TRLog] Bandmap
From: (Mike Gilmer, N2MG)
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 06:22:26 -0500
We sometimes don't use packet in our multi-ops and carefully pre-fill our
bandmaps before making band changes.  I understand Rich's requirements, but
I'd hate that *only* one keystroke could delete a half-hour of careful
bandmap about making it a combo like CTRL-SHIFT-C or

On a related note, does TR utilize, or plan to, the ability to type a
command in its log field (much like, ahem,  CT does)?  This allows a
multitude of functions to be nearly at your fingertips, yet hidden behind
command strings that can't be easily typed accidentally - admittedly you
have to memorize these functions...for the above it could be BANDMAPCLEAR or
BMCLEAR for short.  Or is this sacrilege? ;-)

73 Mike N2MG

----- Original Message -----
From: "KL7RA" <>
To: "Barry Martz" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TRLog] Bandmap

> I would like to see a way to "clear" the bandmap with one key stroke.
> Occasionally there are times when it is of some value in multi-op
> to "start over" with a fresh bandmap. Mults that can't be heard or bad
> start to waste time when the maps get too large.
> Also restarting TRLog brings up the last bandmap when it was shutdown.
> One keystroke "clear" would help here when TRLog is in "general" mode
> for DXing.

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