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[TenTec] Ten Tec and RTTY

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec and RTTY
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 22:22:37 -0600

>The number one question is, which software to use?
>Since I use RITTY with a Sound Blaster 16 card I can't
>provide good info on software for TNC units. Would you
>please comment on what you use now and how you like it.
>Would you choose something else?


I use my Omni VI+ and KAM Plus for the digital modes.  Mostly, I
use Hyperterm (Win95), but I also use Procomm Plus and DX4WIN
software.  It just depends on what I'm doing that day.   If I'm
doing other stuff on the computer at the time, I might just pull
up Hyperterm and let it run in Pactor mode monitoring the
activity on a frequency.  If I'm doing some logging, QSL'ing, or
trying to resolve my DXCC/5BDXCC card status, I'll be using
DX4WIN to monitor activity.

I like Hyperterm and Procomm Plus better than DX4WIN.  DX4WIN is
still new to me and I guess I'm just not used to or comfortable
with it's procedures for operating in the RTTY window yet.

At work, in our emergency operations center, I had them buy KaWin
software.  It has the capability of running both VHF packet and
HF digitial modes from the KAM Plus.  It's got a somewhat steep
learning curve, but I'm getting more comfortable with it.

Still, I like and prefer the simplicity of Hyperterm and Procomm
Plus.  They don't have the bells and whistles of the other
digital software, but it's clean, uncomplicated, and a no-brainer
to use.

dale, kg5u

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