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[TenTec] Centaur AMP

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Centaur AMP
From: k4aal@jackatak.theporch.com (Ariel Elam)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:52:47 -0500
Hi Carl-- Absolutely right!! VI+ & TR7 !! 73,Ariel,k4aal

"Carl R. Gansen" wrote:
> I have been in ham radio for 29 years and have avoided the "Need"
> for an amp though I must admit I have been severely tempted
> (or maybe Seviervillely tempted??)to get one at times.  It has
> always come down to a $$$/db issue for me.
> I know from other ham's experiences that if you can't get a 220Vac
> feed you should rethink the whole idea.  Otherwise, It will go something
> like this:  You buy a small amp so you can run on 120V.
> You then find out that its a marginal situation. Once the novelty
> of being able to dim the light wears off you decide to bite the
> bullet and pull in a 220V line.  Now, you wish you had the big
> amp that you would have bought if you had the 220V available in
> the first place.   Of course, now you buy the bigger amp and fry
> the heck out your marginal transmatch.  You need to buy a heftier transmatch
> in oder to find out that you need a better grade of
> coax going to your antennas and maybe replace an antenna or two if
> you have 300 watt traps in the system.  It's at this point you
> realize you should have put up better antennas in the first place. (multiply
> all of these hassles by some exponentially increasing
> variable if you are married :-)
> To go from 100 to 400 watts will strengthen your sig by 1 whole
> S unit at the receiving end.  You'd have to go to to 1600 watts
> to go up aother S unit.   The amp + 220V line + transmatch + coax + antennas
> could end up running a couple kilobucks/S unit. Personally,
> I've had a tough time justifying that in the face of a family budget.
> For my part, rediscovering CW about 10 years ago and buying a
> TT Omni 6 has made it easy to work the DX.   With the exception of
> 160 meters I can almost always work anything I find.  On 160, I
> have a marginal antenna...so far.
> Good Luck on your decision.
> >From: "Paul" <pfb@eriecoast.com>
> >To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> >Subject: [TenTec] Centaur AMP
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> >Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:59:24 -0400
> >
> >
> >I have looked and looked for an inexpensive amp and reviews of the products
> >on the web.  Not much to be found.  On the Tentec baord the only comments
> >are from years ago about the fan noise.  Several musings posted on
> (Stuff deleted)
> >says the 572 b can be used as a drop in replacemnt for the 511's and it
> >would provide more output.  Anyone ever do this?
> >
> >Paul Bransztet
> >KI8HO
> >
> >PS--I probably ought to keep saving and wait to get a Centurian.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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> >
> Carl R. Gansen  WB0CFF
> 9300 W 225 St
> Belle Plaine, Mn. 56011-4206
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