Sorry, I'm not buying WA1SEO's comments.
I've lived with an Orion for 7 years and a K3 for 3 years, used them
actively, and they're both G-R-E-A-T radios built/supported by great
companies. 'Nuff said.
73, Barry N1EU
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Mike Stricker <> wrote:
> Jim,
> When I can pick up a radio and twist it, I call it cheap. Yes, even with the
> material thickness being what it is on the K-Line, it looks cheap too.
> Having a felt washer as a method for adjusting drag is a joke.
> That being said, the big 3 put a lot more into the mechanical aspects of
> their amateur radios because they are able to leverage their commercial
> products' designs.
> You may be enamored with Elecraft but ever since I owned a K2 and
> "discovering" the feature of a 5KHz tuning thump when the band is crowded, I
> gave up on the Elecraft MoJo...especially when Wayne and Eric know of the
> problem but haven't offered a fix. If I ever designed a piece of hardware
> with a problem like that, and told people it was OK, I'd be fired!
> Interestingly enough, my research tells me that the K3 on the second hand
> market fetches between 70-80% of the new price. As bad as everything else is
> compared to Elecraft, the resale value of lesser radios hangs in there better.
> Mike, WA1SEO
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