this is my " it isn't supposed to work": feed my inverted L with #28 twisted
bell telephone wire, in fact the whole antenna is twisted bell wire, radials
and all. a 500 foot roll, 130 feet for the L part, 60 feet for the feedline,
and the rest for radials around the back yard.
with 50 watts input to my hw16 final, and the 6SK7 type homebrew rx working
overtime, and with a street light cycling 30 seconds off and 20 seconds S9++
interferring noise, i worked 130+ stations over one and a half nights of the
contest. i must say i have never heard the left coast so strong and the east
coast so weak
the same rig and antenna have worked 350+ stations in the this contest a couple
of years ago, with no streeet light QRN.
says a lot for getting your street maintenance people to repair street lights
but the grandkids were great, and we went and saw an opra, played in the snow,
a good tiime was had by all
mike w7dra/0 in omaha
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