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Re: Topband: TX relays

To: Milt -- N5IA <>,
Subject: Re: Topband: TX relays
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 19:25:36 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 10/8/2014 6:39 PM, Milt -- N5IA wrote:
What make and model of DPDT relays are you using in your TX arrays?
73 de Milt, N5IA

I have had good luck with the Omron MJN series,
available from Mouser.  They are rated at 20A,
600VAC, and those ratings are for hot switching,
which you are obviously not going to do.  I use
them to switch in tuning capacitors in series with
my 80 meter inverted vee cloud warmer to tune it
around the band.  The relays see a lot of voltage
in this application especially at the high end
of the band.

I recently bought a used commercial 4-square phasing box
and it appears to also use these relays.  GMTA as they

Rick N6RK
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