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[Towertalk] Ham IV vs. Ham M

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] Ham IV vs. Ham M
From: (Dale L Martin)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:15:00 -0600
> I just bought a Ham M off eBay and got it today.  It looks just
> like my Ham
> IV or at least what I thought was a Ham IV.
> What's the difference and how can I tell?
> 73,
> Jon
> NA9D


What's the stamped code say on the bottom of the rotator? (if it has a
bottom mast clamp assembly, remove it to expose the flat bottom)

I have a Ham-M here in the shack that says: H IV S1 Nov 88

Meaning: Ham-IV, Series 1, November 1988

Now.  Whether it is actually a Ham-M or a Ham-IV, I can't say.  It was sent
in for refurbishment a few years ago.  I don't know whether the bottom is
the original bottom or not.  Also, when I bought the rotator (actually, I
bought the house and the tower, rotator and a TH7 came with it), I was told
it was a Ham-M.  :-)

I have a Ham-IV up on the tower that says: H4 S1 Jul 80.  It was in for
service recently before replacing the "Ham-M" and I specifically asked for
confirmation it was a Ham-IV.  They (MFJ/Hy-Gain) didn't respond to that

Check this out:
Norm's Rotor Service - Identifying Your Rotor

dale, kg5u

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