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Re: [TowerTalk] Feedback

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Feedback
From: Mike Miller <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:21:33 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <">>
Well, in answer to your question, Steve, I'm doing well with what I've put up, 
thanks to the help here, considering the relative RF vacuum I live in. If I 
could flip the switch on it to turn it off, I'd be in great shape. ;-) 

Seriously, though, while just playing around over the weekend, I was on 20 
meters with the dipole switched in, and was watching the DX cluster, and 
clicked on one station to see if I could hear him...I couldn't. I moved 
slightly off frequency and switched to the beam. I tuned up the rig (still 
don't have the amp in line yet) and moved back on freq. Turned beam to the 
right heading and there he was just I expected. I worked him first call. And 
that was just THIS weekend alone...just a representative sample. Other times 
have been just about the same. 

Yes, everyone's been a big help, even if I haven't asked a whole bunch of 
specific questions...sometimes lurking can provide answers to the questions 
that linger in the back of one's mind. Thanks to everyone for all of the help 
you've provided (even if you didn't know you'd done anything). And thanks also 
for helping with the questions that have been specifically asked. It really 
does help. There's a lot of good information here, both in the current 
knowledge of the members, and in the archives (if one takes the time to 

Now to rebuild the 2M boomer and homebrew the 6M beam and I'll be done for a 

--Mike, WA0ZOG 

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