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Re: [TowerTalk] sloping dipole arrays

To: jim Jarvis <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] sloping dipole arrays
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 20:37:29 -0400
List-post: <">>
jim Jarvis wrote:
> I have seen K1WA's excellent article in the Antenna Handbook for years
> regarding sloping half-wave dipole arrays.  His design switches both
> the center conductor and braid for each feedline.
> Is it really important to switch the braid?
> 73, Steve, K4FJ
> -0-
> YES.
> The K8UR sloper array design, and the variants upon that, require  
> that the
> reflectors not be connected to the driven element.   If you use a  
> switch which
> ties all shields together,  you'll have half of your reflectors and  
> your driven element
> fed together.   

That is why you install a choke/current balun on the feedline the proper 
distance from the antenna.  Then the shields can remain at DC ground 
(for safety)


Roger (K8RI)
>  God knows what pattern will result.   Or, knowing  
> this audience,
> only an adept NEC user with a lot of time will know what the  
> resulting pattern
> will be.
> The technique of feeding each dipole via 3/8 lambda coax from the switch
> is a particularly neat way to assure that the undriven elements  
> function as
> reflectors.
> N2EA
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