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[TowerTalk] Neighbor Friendly Towers/Antennas

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Neighbor Friendly Towers/Antennas
From: "Derek Cohn/WB0TUA" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:43:22 -0600
List-post: <">>
Hi Everyone,

I have finally decided to get off my butt and see about getting a tower put up. 
 I live in an inner ring suburb in the St. Louis, MO area with not much 
property so I'm looking at neighbor pleasing options.

Two towers that I'm considering are:

* US Tower MA-40 with a free standing base
* Force 12 LPT-1242 bracketed so it's free standing

For low visual impact antennas, I am considering the Optibeam OBW10-5, Force 12 
C3SS, or Cushcraft MA5B.

I'm looking for advice....

My neighbors are reasonalby supportive but I would like to crank down the tower 
when I'm not using it.  I'm a reasonably healthy 47 year old and I'm wondering 
if those towers are easily cranked down.  I know that the US Tower has a motor 
accessory but I'm trying to keep it simple to avoid failure, maintenance, etc.  
Does anyone on this list have one of these that they crank up/down manually?  
Is it easily do-able for a healthy guy?

Are there any other neighbor friendly tower options that I should consider?  
Are there any other antenna options I should consider?

Thanks for any advice you guys can give me,

Derek Cohn
Morse Telegraph Club - Alton Chapter
Office UD, Sine DJ
Amateur Radio Station - WBØTUA

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