Actually, it's your comment that's kind of unbelievable. Who says
anyone is dictating anything to you?? If you sign a contract you are
specifically and legally agreeing to everything in it. You DO live in
a free country ... and that includes being free to do something that
you're too lazy, careless, or ignorant to avoid. Short of fraud or
misrepresentation, you are entirely responsible, legally and ethically,
for whatever you agree to do. The only thing that anyone is "dictating"
is that you honor your agreements. What's so hard to understand about that?
Dave AB7E
> Hi Guys,
> It still just blows me away how some person, or person(s), can dictate to you
> BEYOND the purchase of your property, just what, exactly, you can& can not
> do with something that you own, pay taxes on out of your own pocket, insure
> with your own monies, etc. etc. etc.
> And I thought that we lived in a free country, i.e. the USA& Canada...!
> Unbelievable.
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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