> "I think I can tune the antenna with the feedline and get it down to a
> more reasonable level, maybe 10 to 1, at the tuner end. Then the tuner
> will tune it to resonance so the xmttr can put its full load into.
> Question is, since the swr is 10 to 1 at the radio end of the feedline but
> 100 to 1 at the antenna end of the feedline, am I going to see the 3.5 db
> loss from a 100 to 1 swr or the .5 dbi that a 10 to 1 swr would give me."
Gary, you can vary the impedance at the input end of the line, but not the
SWR. The SWR on the 450-ohm section will remain nearly constant over your
150 ft run, even with length trimming.
In EZNEC, what is the Z of the antenna you're modeling at the operating
frequency in an R+j format?
Paul, W9AC
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