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Re: [TowerTalk] Bounces

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Bounces
From: "Larry" <>
Reply-to: Larry <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 17:34:20 -0400
List-post: <">>
In some cases you can specify a "reply to" address. I do this. My "reply to" address is my address. Most of these groups will allow your message if you registered with the "reply to" address. There are probably some limitations with that scheme as well of course. You would need to check your mailer's configuration to see if you can specify a "reply to" address.
73, Larry  W6NWS

-----Original Message----- From: Mike Reublin NF4L
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 4:24 PM
To: towertalk reflector
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Bounces

Thanks for the info Gary. I'm a Comcast user, and I got un-subscribed.

I don't think it's possible to use a remailer such as ARRL or pobox because the "FROM" header is still going to be your real email provider. If you know how to do it, please post instructions.
73, Mike NF4L

On Apr 14, 2014, at 3:19 PM, GARY HUBER <> wrote:

Here is what I received from a reflector administrator yesterday....

Yahoo introduced a feature (DMARC) this week that basically says "If a
message has a email address as the FROM address, and it didn't
come from a server, then it's not acceptable."

This policy is not compatible with mailing lists. List messages all go out
with the email address of the person that posted the message.  If the
person posting is using an email address, the message goes out
with FROM:  This message is sent from the mailing list
server  and not from's servers...
therefore Yahoo is not accepting these messages.

It's a little complicated, but this policy is also causing other members to
get unsubscribed due to bounces.  Other providers are now bouncing these
messages, because Yahoo has basically instructed them to do so.  You may
have already received some mail from our list, asking you to reconfirm your
subscription.  It is because of this issue, caused by users
posting to our list.

You can read more about it here:
And here:

The second link suggests that to fix this problem we need to:

* Suspend posting permission of all addresses, to limit damage.
* Tell Yahoo users to get a new mail account somewhere else, pronto, if
they want to continue using mailing lists.

I am going to ask the Board to consider these options.  This email is
mainly a heads up to email users that changes are a brewing and
you should be looking into other options for your mailing list mail.

One idea for users:  Consider using a free email forwarder from  and have it forward to your address.
Subscribe to the  list with your  address, then
configure your email program to send from your arrl. email
address when you post to the (and other) mailing list.  Another idea
would be to move to a different free email provider, such as GMail.

73 & DX,
Gary - AB9M

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