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Re: [TowerTalk] March QST cover

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] March QST cover
From: jimlux <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 08:22:59 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 2/27/17 8:12 AM, william radice wrote:
Would you deny this group the opportunity to beat yet another dead horse having 
nothing to do with it's name....Tower Talk?? How dare you?


I'd argue that since the picture in question is actually of someone climbing a tower, and whether the picture:
a) represents safe climbing practice
b) encourages safe climbing practice

 it's pretty on-topic.

My own thought is that the harness looks pretty loose, and it's obviously a staged photo.

But there's some interesting points that have been brought up - for instance, while the knot used to tie off isn't what *I* would use (a figure 8), the use of zip ties to hold the free end of the rope is something unusual, but seems to work - it's not a structural part of the system. I'd personally prefer something that doesn't require a tool to remove it, and realistically, I'd probably just leave the end flopping around, unless it were WAY too long.


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