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Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical dipole other choices?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical dipole other choices?
From: jimlux <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:23:54 -0700
List-post: <>
On 10/21/20 5:21 AM, wrote:
Your manufacturing price guessestimate seems reasonable. I have built a lot of antennas and it is not a huge savings over commercially built ones. I am sure that manufactures get mill pricing and better hardware pricing with quantity.  Don't forget that there are need add-ons to the Greyline antenna so this system can easily cost $1500
Yes.. Aluminum as raw material right now is about $2-2.50/lb, and as 
formed tube in bulk (huge lots - truckloads) it's about twice that, and 
at retail, it's maybe 50%-100% higher, due to cutting and handling.

There does appear to be a market for this antenna and it is an 
improvement for those with attic dipoles, etc.  Those users will likely 
not notice the inflated website claims, they would just be happy to 
receive the product that the paid for.
If I needed a multiband aesthetically pleasing antenna I would strongly 
consider a SteppIR vertical for ~$2k. It requires ground radials but 
they quickly become invisible.
John KK9A


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