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Re: [TowerTalk] Auto Issues and Question On TriEx WT-51

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Auto Issues and Question On TriEx WT-51
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 12:51:18 -0500
List-post: <>
Apple does the same thing.

-de John NI0K

Don wrote on 4/20/2021 12:08 PM:
Known as the AMFEA, Auto Mechanic Full Employment Act, this Act funds the automakers to design and manufacture automobiles which deny the average citizen the ability to do their own repair. This led to the SQUAT Act, Special Quality and Unique Automotive Tools Act, in which such tools are only available from the manufacturer at exorbitant prices.
100K Plug replacement on a Toyota Sienna - Last Quote from a Toyota 
Dealer - $650
Back to Towertalk - I am considering selling a spare used Triex WT-51 
crankup tower. The tower was equipped with limit switches and 
raising/lowering motor. I still have the motor/gear assembly and 
switches. Switch installation would need redoing and new wiring. What 
would be a reasonable price?

On 4/19/2021 9:15 PM, Wes wrote:
On 4/19/2021 3:04 PM, Lux, Jim wrote:
At least the plugs are good for 100k miles thanks to emissions 
requirements. Presumably, you'd combine it with something like a 
timing belt replacement. 
Regrettably, not true.  My 2018 VW GTI specifies a plug change at 40K 
miles, although I talked the service rep into extending it to 50K.  
So this "economy" car costs $250 every 40K for spark plugs, not to 
mention $300 to service the DCT, $100 oil change etc, etc...  A 
battery replacement, unless you use a nearly unobtainable factory 
part, requires programming the ECU to tell it how to charge the 
replacement.  I said the heck with it and paid the $200 for the 
factory part and waited a week for it.
Then there is the dirty little secret about direct fuel injection 
(gas) engines.  Without fuel washing the backs of the intake valves 
and intake ports, crankcase ventilation deposits oil vapor on them 
and carbon builds, eventually choking off air flow. Fix is about 
$800+ @ 50-60 K miles.  I believe both Ford and Honda now use dual 
port and direct injection to overcome this.
Wes  N7WS


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