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Re: [TowerTalk] 80 Meter Delta Loop

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 80 Meter Delta Loop
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:47:00 -0700
List-post: <>

Sigh ...

OK, OK, I'm sure you know that I meant field strength at low angles.

Dave AB7E

On 7/24/2024 3:19 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 7/24/2024 1:32 PM, David Gilbert wrote:
A vertical on a slope (or cliff) means that the dirt in the far field isn't actually all there.  Air is a lot less lossy than dirt. It's the takeoff angle that gets the benefit.

"Take-off angle" is a seriously flawed concept. Better to think about absolute field strength in the vertical plane, as I pointed out in my observations about interpreting models the compare antennas. :)

One of Tom's important observations that I failed to mention in the first post about it is that the drone data showed significant field strength below 0 degrees elevation in the direction of the drop-off.

73, Jim K9YC


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