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Re: [TowerTalk] 80 Meter Delta Loop

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 80 Meter Delta Loop
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:23:29 -0500
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See my post to Jim which describes the land on my qth. I assure you that the "ground" is not better
than I think, but the hilltop undoubtedly helps in some directions.

The beamwidth is decent for a 4-square with 1/4 wavelength spacing, but it is even better for 3/16 wavelength spacing between the elements. I did all my plotting decades ago on Brian Beezley's excellent program AO program (DOS-based). The biggest difference between the 1/4 and 3/16 spacing is at the extreme ends of both sides of the main lobe, more than 45 degrees from the center. You really notice the sharp dropoff between 45- 60 degrees from the center of the lobe on the 4-square with 1/4 wavelength spacing and not nearly as much with the 3/16 wavelength spacing. With the center of the lobe at 45 degrees, that means that I get better coverage into Africa and UA0, both of which are useful directions. Likewise, when aiming SW, I get better coverage into SA and VK. I hear more "stuff" off the sides of the antenna that I might otherwise miss. It's worked well for me but others might prefer a narrower pattern.

Bob, KQ2M

On 2024-07-24 16:44, wrote:
What makes you believe that you have a poor ground? A vertical array with an elevated counterpoise is still ground dependent so it if works well for
you perhaps your ground is better than you think!

It has been a while since I looked at a standard 4 square model but I seem
to recall the beamwidth was pretty large.  It would be interesting to
overlay a pattern with closer 3/16 wl spacing and see what difference there is 45° from the main direction. Their may not be much difference in that

John KK9A

kq2m wrote:

One antenna that does work well even over poor ground is a 4-square with elevated radials, preferably above .05 wavelength in height. In my case I changed to a different design - instead of orienting the elements in a
1/4 wavelength "box", I use custom designed 3/16 wavelength spacing to
give a broader pattern which allows me to better hear/work ZS, Southern
Africa and UA0 when pointed at Europe.


Bob, KQ2M


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