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[TowerTalk] Help with semi-broken Array Solutions Power Master II Wattme

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Help with semi-broken Array Solutions Power Master II Wattmeter
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 12:55:51 -0300
List-post: <>
I made mention of this in my 3830 report for the WAE contest, but am hoping
this slightly-OT (somewhat related?) post is OK to ask here as well.


Recently I had some minor damage in the shack from a nearby lighting strike
and my Power Master II is no longer functioning correctly.  Jay is not
responding (retired) and I understand that.  He's sold me some great
equipment over many years and has also helped me with tech support a couple
times.  Time for him to relax.


Mine is the smaller 2 sensor system for 6m/HF SO2R (3kW?)_.  I am seeing
aprox (but not exactly) 10% of the power out.  So, if I am barefoot ~ 100w,
I see sometimes 12-15watts on the meter.  SWR's that should all be +/- 1.5:1
are saying 2.1:1 or so.


I can't currently test what a high power signal would read as my amp was
another casualty.


Any idea where to look?  Anyone with experience/advice or even a schematic
maybe?  The menu systems all seem to be normal (unchanged) and I tried
changing a few values in case it was a software glitch but I can't get it to
read anything close to the 100w mark.  I also cannot test the 2nd radio as
one radio was another casualty.  (now that the contest is over I could try
swapping coaxes I guess in case it was just the sensor box?)


I had to purchase an (ugh!) analog wattmeter in the 11th hour for the WAE
contest this weekend.  It wasn't until then that I realized I had been so
spoiled with my PM-II !


Tnx Tower Talkians!


Mike VE9 Antenna Antenna


Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 



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