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Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?
From: Steve Muenich <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 20:35:20 -0500
List-post: <>
Having been using Phyillystan for a couple of decades I would certainly NOT 
advise using any kind of compression clamps.

You would be crushing the Kevlar fibers which is where the strength is.  
The preforms are not only the manufacturers recommended but they are not that 
expensive to do it right and above all safe.  
Is it worth it to do it right. 

Steve, NA5C

Sent from my mobile device

> On Sep 24, 2024, at 6:50 PM, Jim W7RY <> wrote:
> Yes. Tighten them all the way down. It really squishes the Phily down.
> Used 4000 lb Philly on a Rohn 25 without preform grips. Worked perfectly.
> 73
> Jim W7RY
>> On 9/24/2024 3:26 PM, RVZ via TowerTalk wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>>  Looking for advise on how to terminate Phillystran HPTG 1200I small 
>> diameter 3/32" guy cable for maximum strength?  Instructions say to use 
>> 3/32" cable clamps and I've tried that but the small diameter Phillystran 
>> squashes down so small the cable strength is greatly weakened.  Perhaps I'm 
>> tightening the cable clamps too tight?  If so, there appears to be a real 
>> fine balance between getting the clamps tight enough to hold but not too 
>> tight to squash the cable and weaken it. Can anyone shed light on how to 
>> properly tighten the cable clamps for maximum cable strength on this small 
>> 3/32" diameter Phillystran? Thanks & 73!   Dick- K9OM  (
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> Thanks and 73, Jim W7RY
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