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[VHFcontesting] VUCC On Indoor Antennas [ Help with confirmations ]

To: "vhf@w6yx.stanford.edu" <vhf@w6yx.stanford.edu>, VHF Contesting Reflector <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] VUCC On Indoor Antennas [ Help with confirmations ]
From: Les Rayburn <les@highnoonfilm.com>
Reply-to: les@highnoonfilm.com
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 02:07:30 -0500
List-post: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com">mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Just over six years ago, I read a column from Gene Zimmerman, W3ZZ (SK) entitled "Chasing VUCC". Having just moved into a deed restricted neighborhood with a very active homeowners association, I thought my days of chasing DX were over. I had resigned myself to doing public service work on the local repeaters, and a little 20 Meter DX while mobile during my commute.
Gene's article inspired me to adjust my horizons and finally explore the 
"World Above 50 Mhz". Armed with his insight and the advice of a lot of 
great local elmers like Jimmy Long, W4ZRZ, I took advantage of my large 
open attic. Mounting some cut to fit Yagis, and started making contacts.
It's taken a long time, but I've managed to work 112 grids to date. 98 
of those have been confirmed via QSL card or Logbook of the World. A 
handful have acknowledged our contacts via e-mail but just haven't sent 
the cards yet. But others have proven more difficult.
I always send a card along with an SASE. 2nd mailing includes a letter 
explaining the indoor antenna situation, including photos of the attic 
and another SASE. Third attempt includes a pre-printed reply card with 
all information filled in. All they need do is sign it and return it.
Despite that and e-mail requests, a few of those confirmations have 
remained elusive. My fear is that that several things may have happened:
1. QRZ.com information is out of date. Address is wrong and/or e-mail
   is incorrect.
2. I simply copied the call wrong on the original QSO--and the ham in
   question has no idea why they're getting the card.
3. I may have worked them on 6 Meters, and logged it incorrectly as 2
4. They may have become ill or even a silent key.

So, my hope is that some of you may recognize the calls below and have contact information for these hams, or could shed some light on the situation. My intention is not to embarrass anyone or "call them out". I'm sure the mistake is all mine. But I would be grateful for any information.
The real mystery in the group is Keith, KB5AAB. We've worked literally 
dozens of times, and I simply gave up logging the QSO's other than 
during contests. His address must be non-valid. I found a phone number 
in Mississippi for him, but it was also disconnected.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL18 1 0 KG5DF 05/04/2010 13:03 EL18 1094 Aprox. EL79 1 0 KE4YYD 15/06/2009 01:35 EL79 451 Aprox.
 EMØ2     1     0      WA5KCP          05/04/2010 13:20   EMØ2 1130 Aprox.
 EM2Ø     3     0      W5WSH           05/04/2010 12:18 EM2Ø 820 Aprox.
EM22 1 0 W5IB 07/11/2009 05:17 EM22 759 Aprox. EM32 2 0 N5IOO 05/04/2010 12:34 EM32 573 Aprox.
 EM51    14     0      KB5AAB          13/06/2008 02:50 EM51 273 Aprox.
EN63 1 0 KIØLE 20/07/2008 12:56 EN63 1144 Aprox.
I'm extremely grateful for everyone who has managed to pull out my weak 
signal. And also for the advice and wisdom of this group. I'm proud to 
be a "VHF Man"...er, "VHF Person" and be part of the gang above 50 MHz. 
It's the most fun I've had in my decades as a ham.


Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

6M VUCC #1712
AMSAT #38965
Grid Bandits #222
Southeastern VHF Society
Central States VHF Society Life Member
Six Club #2484

Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light

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