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[WriteLog] Features and Modules

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Features and Modules
From: ve3zi@hotmail.com (Roger P)
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 06:53:18 PDT
A simplified built-in contest Wizard could well be a good compromise. 
Calculation of the final score and submission of the entry can (generally) 
be quite easily done manually. My only slight concern would be that one 
usually needs to use Writelog to determine strategy 'on the fly'. Consider 
CQWW where multipliers are as essential as raw contact numbers.

I should make it clear that I am not in any way against PSK31, and I am most 
certainly wholly in favour of Writelog as a contest logging programme. I 
just feel that to some extent mainstream facilities have not received as 
much effort as peripheral ones when I know (from Ron at Dayton) that Wayne 
has very limited time to devote to Writelog programming.

73 Roger

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