try this on WL.ini [Ports]
Nice to see U back!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 7:52 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] PI4COM need help with CW problems
> Hello,
> The last 2 weeks I am busy to get all the networked multi/multi PC's ready
> for the upcoming PACC contest at PI4COM.
> I am working now on a PC which give my problems in CW.
> We use the LPT1 port for CW (just a normal CT cable).
> I think there is a timing problem in the computer.
> When transmitting some letters or figures, they are totally disturbed (no
> at all hi).
> I am working with W98 second edition (including the latest patches).
> The hardware is a Tulip Vision Line P5/166 64 Mb memory.
> There is an internal network card available.
> I disabled all the hardware that I don't use (like USB and second
> I changed the LPT1 port from output only ==> ECP ==> Bi-directional.
> In the writelog.ini I put the line: LPT1:0x378 (the same port as in the
> BIOS).
> The virusscanner is disabled.
> So there is nearly no difference at all changing the parameters.
> All the other PC's worked fine (even they are slower than this one).
> I hope that someone has a good suggestion for me.
> Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP
> member:
> PI4COM (Contestgroup Oude Maas)
> LLDXT (Low Land DX-pedition Team)
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