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Re: [WriteLog] CW and SSB Message Fix?

To: writelog@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] CW and SSB Message Fix?
From: Eric Hilding <dx35@hilding.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:34:30 -0700
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Jamie Dupree wrote:

 > >What I am really QRX for is the "Unlimited SSB Messages" implementation
 > >that I hope Wayne will also do...
 > I also would like to see another 10 SSB message slots made available.
 > They don't have to be linked to the F-keys, but rather the operator
 > could assign them to any key they want with the fantastic Keyboard
 > assignments that Wayne included awhile back.

My suggestion sent involved using ALT + K  (I can't think of anyone who 
wants or needs to send CW when operating in the SSB mode).  There is a 
clever way to make it work fast involving external X-Keys so one could have 
banks of these...unlimited SSB messaging possibilities that require only 
pushing ONE BUTTON to do the same thing as Hot-Key combinations (very 
clumsy for those of us with big hands). I'm trying to convince X-Keys to 
produce a mini-Ergonomic keyboard with some rows of X-Keys built-in.

Voice-recognition software interface is another project here for "typeless" 
Contesting, but so far way tooooo slow for high-speed SO2R. It looks like I 
will have another "Crusade" with several VR S/W manufacturer's to tweak up 
their programs .. Project #823 :-)
Unless, of course, Wayne were to incorporate QRQ Voice Recognition directly 
within WriteLog (HINT-HINT).

 > Writelog plus your hard drive is an incredibly powerful tool for recorded
 > voice files.  I put my microphone away over a year ago and haven't
 > used it in a contest since...that way the XYL hardly knows when
 > I'm contesting...

Many Pooh-Poo'd this concept several years ago, so I am THRILLED at what 
you have done & are doing there.  Congrats, OM!!!


Rick, K6VVA

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