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Re: [Amps] Ameritron Amps

To: "k7fm" <>, <>,<>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Ameritron Amps
From: "Michael Tope" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 20:19:33 -0700
List-post: <>
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "k7fm" <>

> >Of  course, you could take
>>the same money that you spent on the MFJ amp and  build your own and have
>>some pride about it and money left over, but this  is too much to ask from
>>most of our current amateur radio  fraternity.
> Boy, is that a mistake.  Building something myself is a lot more expensive
> than going down to the store and buying it.  To make the chassis look 
> good,
> I buy hole punches.  Then, I need a milling machine and lathe, a painting
> booth, a compressor, a bending brake and shear are almost essential and on
> and on.

No doubt, Colin. You build your own amp because you want the learning
experience and pride that goes along with homebrewing, not because you
want to save a lot of money. Even if materials are a wash or cheaper and
you already have the tools and equipment, you still have your time to 
For folks like me who work long hours at their day jobs, spare time is at a
premium. That's why I pay someone else to wash my car, change my oil,
and mow my lawn.

73, Mike W4EF......................................

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