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[Amps] FW: ?Power factor correction on tube amps

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] FW: ?Power factor correction on tube amps
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 21:50:15 -0800
List-post: <">>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2013 13:30:12 -0800
From: Bill Turner <>
To: Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] FW: ?Power factor correction on tube amps

On Sat, 09 Mar 2013 14:21:13 -0500, George wrote:

>ISO9002 is not meant to be a quality program, simple put ISO9002 makes 
>sure that you do what your polices and procedures say with no regard to 

No it doesn't. A company can qualify one day and ship junk the next. Or
later the same day.

That whole ISO thing is a scam put in place by gummints who want to create
work for their buddies. Bureaucratic nonsense. 

The best assurance of quality products is a company that jealously guards
its reputation and will not tolerate shipping poor quality products.
Quality can not be imposed from outside. 

73, Bill W6WRT

##  ISO has nothing to do at all with quality, never did, never will.   With 
ISO, you get to set any standard
you so desire.  All ISO means is.... you follow ur own guidelines  for tracking 
paperwork, that you set for yourself. 
Our dept alone at the telco spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to become 
iso certified.  Tied up 19 of us for months on end. 

## some idiot in EU stated this ISO scam.  We all had to become iso certified, 
or u were not allowed to  even bid on govt contract jobs,
private sector jobs etc.    Want to bid on a job installing some megabuck 
switch board for the  govt or the military.... u better be
ISO certified, or they will not accept your bid. 

##  a lot of small companies in both canada and the usa went broke from the iso 
process.   Some small company  with less than 10 employees,
making widgets, would cough up a lot of dough to be certified, and   gp broke 
in the process.     You are also handing out trade secrets to the iso
auditors  in the process.  

##  Our dept took this iso crap way too seriously.  meanwhile, one floor above 
us, a different dept  made real short work of the iso process.
I was in charge of all the test gear for our group.  All the test gear had to 
have calibration stickers etc.  One floor above, they wrote their iso
test gear process as.... calibrate test gear whenever  tech deems it required.  
 IE: never.    Across town, their solution was to simply get rid of
85 % of their test gear.   No test gear, gee, no more iso hassles. 

##  In the end, two big telco’s merged....and the 2nd company never was iso 
certified.  To maintain our iso certification  we would have to get the 2nd
compnay up to speed, and iso certified asap.... which would cost us  millions 
and millions, and 12 months  to pull it off, and hundreds of people 
involved.   meanwhile, I can’t get  my real job done, since I have to piss 
around for weeks on end, trying to get paperwork in make some
iso auditor happy. 

##  The iso auditors were a joke, they had no clue how a big telco even works, 
nor even seen the inside of one.   As long as the paperwork was ok, u got

##  ISO does have some merit though, it streamlined a lot of the paperwork.   
In the end we implemented the best of the real iso ideas, dumped the rest,
and are  no longer iso certified.   most business in the end dropped their 
requirements  for  telco’s etc,  to be iso certified.    The true cost of iso 
just ends up getting passed
on to the end user who buys the widgets. 

##  There are a LOT of companies that make pure junk...that are iso certified. 
Initially, everyone was under the delusion that ISO = quality.  Once that myth 
was shot down,
ISO has been relegated to the scrap heap..where it belongs. 

##  flip side is.... u could do the absolute bare minimum..and  be iso 
certified...and fool everyone.

Jim   VE7RF  

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