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[Amps] Hardline connectors wanted

To: "'Amps reflector'" <>
Subject: [Amps] Hardline connectors wanted
From: "Jim Garland" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 07:30:35 -0700
List-post: <">>
I'm looking for one or (preferably) two connectors for 50 ohm 1/2 inch

hardline - the CATV type, with a solid 1/8 in (approx) copper inner

conductor, solid aluminum tube for a shield and an outer vinyl jacket.

Again, this is the 50 ohm CATV hardline, not the more common 75 ohm type.

I'd prefer PL-259 connectors, but SO-239 or N-connectors will work. 


Tnx and 73,


Jimi W8ZR


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